Balticon 45, Day Three

Well, here we are on Sunday. We each got matching stuffed kangaroos from Angela Render because we found her. That’s a nice way to start the day!

One of the nice things about getting here before the dealer room opens is that we get to chat with the other folks before the crowds arrive. Interesting and knowledgeable folks!

Check out our Facebook page for regular updates from Gary, including photos of friends old and new. Check back throughout the day for links and stories…

UPDATE 1: Well, it was one of those whirlwind days where we talked with so many people, attended sessions, chatted in the halls, and made the rounds, that we didn’t have time to blog, tweet, or FB very much. But it sure was great! We got to meet and chat with Nathan Lowell and some of the other authors at the Ridan table, which was very nice. They had some exciting things to say about the state of SF/F publishing. Between magazine publishers like Flying Island Press and book publishers like Ridan, there’s an incredible new market emerging. The new magazine and book publishers are basically re-establishing the concept of the midlist. They are basically using technological innovations to fill in the gaps that traditional print publishers have had to abandon out of the necessity of protecting their bottom lines. The field is wide open, folks! It’s a great time to be writing SF/F . . .

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2 Responses to Balticon 45, Day Three

  1. Pingback: Flying Island Press, The Seekrit Project Interview Channel 37 | Channel 37

  2. Pingback: 2011 – The Year That Was | Channel 37

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